School for problem solvers: Brainfinity School opening soon

The Brainfinity project now includes a school dedicated to young problem solvers: the Brainfinity School.

The idea to establish this school stems from the great interest primary and secondary school students have expressed in the Brainfinity Challenge competition and problem solving in general.

The students can now step into a whole new exciting realm of problem solving, open both to beginners and experienced problem solvers who have honed their skills at the Brainfinity Challenge.

Regardless of the previous problem solving experience, at Brainfinity School, all students can perfect their problem solving skills – skills that are rightfully counted among the most important 21st century skills.

What is this school like?

Brainfinity School will offer interactive online teaching, including discussions on relevant subjects and solving interesting problems in each session, with some of the problems different from those that were solved at earlier competitions. 

Teams will be able to consult amongst themselves, as well as with the teachers, in order to exchange their ideas and build upon each other’s steps towards the solution.

What makes Brainfinity School different from traditional schools?

We are living in the era that qualifies as the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The previous era, the Third Industrial Revolution, meant that adopted knowledge ought to be applied to different areas, whereas now, we learn through dealing with an area in which we are not required to have a lot of knowledge to begin with. 

This inversion of the traditional order in the learning and working processes is a consequence of the advanced technology that surrounds us, profoundly changes our lives and keeps developing at an increasing speed. Today’s “rules” need not necessarily be adequate for tomorrow, so today is the right time to develop the lifelong learning ability – and what better way to do it than through problem solving?

Unfortunately, traditional schools remain largely stuck in the education system adequate for the time of the Third Industrial Revolution, which is further behind us every day.

On the other hand, Brainfinity School offers a program that provides any willing individual with opportunities to develop skills that are needed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These include:

  • cognitive flexibility;
  • assessment and decision making;
  • digital literacy;
  • emotional intelligence;
  • cooperation;
  • creativity;
  • critical thinking.

What will you learn at Brainfinity School?

The problems you will be solving at this school will concern all that is important and current in the world in which we live today. Therefore, in addition to skyrocketing to your maximum problem solving potential, you will learn about:

  • data analysis;
  • digital currency;
  • decision making;
  • stock trading;
  • programming;
  • assessment;
  • sports;
  • nutrition;
  • environmental issues;
  • communication skills.

With the knowledge in these areas, which you will gain in a relaxed environment, through having fun with friendly people, you will become competent to face the challenges of the 21st century with creativity and confidence!

Special reward for interesting solutions

Proper problems for problem solver do not have a single correct solution, but several. Explaining the solution that has been arrived upon is one of the most important steps in problem solving.

Participants who show exceptional engagement and provide interesting ideas, explanations and suggestions during lessons, in discussions and Q&A sessions, and excel in the problem solving itself are in for prizes in Brainfinity currency: BrainCoinFinity and BrainCent.

This currency has been made exclusively for people who attend Brainfinity School. One BrainCoinFinity is worth 100 BrainCents.

Special benefit

The value BrainCoinFinity will be calculated in dinars, in the amount the students can use to receive special discounts.

Preparing for Brainfinity competition, as well as for professional and personal success

Those attending Brainfinity School will learn a lot about problem solving – its theory and practice alike, which will considerably improve their chances of doing well in the Brainfinity Challenge competition.

The development of various types of intelligence, such as creativity, critical thinking, cognitive ability and emotional intelligence, achieved through team problem solving, along with the improvement of one’s overall digital literacy, will empower the students of Brainfinity School when it comes to finding their own way around the contemporary world, and ensuring professional and personal success.

What are the requirements for enrolling at Brainfinity School?

The main prerequisite for attending Brainfinity School is an interest in problem solving!

In other words, you need to be interesting in making friends, playing games and solving interesting riddles. If you meet this requirement, the door of the Brainfinity School is wide open from you starting in September.

Exclusive: Finalists need not wait – they can enroll in February

If you have reached the finals of one of the earlier Brainfinity competitions, you can start the program as soon as February, at the amazing price of only 20 euros per month! We have decided to offer this option as a gift to our best problem solvers.

However, the privilege of making Brainfinity School’s starting team and experiencing the school as soon as the next month is reserved for the 9 fastest finalists, those who apply first.

Special offer for everyone interested

If you have not been a finalist, but you apply by February 15, you can reserve a place for September at a special price – as much as 35% off. 

Anyone interested in problem solving and looking to master a wide range of top 21st century skills need not wait to apply; they can enroll now, and start their education in September 2022, at the program that includes: 

  • interdisciplinary tasks;
  • modern technology;
  • teamwork;
  • dedicated teachers;
  • wealth of teaching materials;
  • BrainCoinFinity badges;
  • option of taking part in the competition.

To learn more about Brainfinity School, problem solving and the application process, visit this page.