Watch out, the first Brainfinity problem of 2023 is coming! A riddle in verses is before you.

Dear detectives, we would like to inform you that your brain’s favorite food has arrived!

The first Brainfinity problem this year is before you, and that means… the qualifiers for Brainfinity 2023 can begin!

Competition rules remain the same

When it comes to the rules of the Brainfinity competition, they remain the same as in previous years. We start with qualifiers that consist of solving Brainfinity problems. All those who manage to find a solution to at least one problem will move on to the next round in the competition. In that next round, they will face the Brainfinity challenge, and those who use their brain the most will get the chance to compete in the Brainfinity grand final, which will be held next year.

So let’s begin…

How to submit your solution?

Regardless of the fact that you will enter your solutions in the box on the website provided for that, it is necessary to explain in detail how you came up with the solution.

You should submit the proof of coming up with the solutions to the platform in a PDF document that will show step-by-step and in detail your whole process of finding the answer.

It is mandatory that you send your proof of coming up with the solutions no later than October 15.

Your username is your team’s e-mail, and your password is Brainf@2021.

Make sure you remember the e-mail of your team, and if you forget it, contact us right away before it’s too late! It is preferable that only one team member logs into the platform and submits the solution that you came up with together, in order to avoid overlapping by submitting several different solutions.

Step by step to the final solution

Your task is to solve the riddle in verses. You can find the verses on the platform, so you have to log in to see your task.

We wish you the best of luck in solving new problems!