Here are the Brainfinity 2022 finalists
Here are the teams that qualified for the Brainfinity 2022 finals.
Finalists – Year 5
- Agata Kristi
- Ahilove pete
- Bumeri
- Kalkulatori
- Magic Puzzles
- Maša i medvedi
- Tajsoni
Finalists – Year 6
- IQ 200
- Kobre
- Red line
- The S.V.I.D.
- Vampirice
- Grumen gang 2
Finalists – Year 7
- Ćutljivi mozgovi
- K2
- Kvadranti
- Male pčelice
- Matematički manijaci
- Ratnice vatrene volje
- SK ekipa
- Malci genijalci
Finalists – Year 8
- Googleri
- Atak na batak
- Brain breakers
- Investitori
- KG007
- Kvantni umovi
- Neurons
- Zmajevink
- Miracle Minds
- Thundermath
High school finalists – Year 1
- Winfinity
- Njegoševi marsovci
High school finalists – Year 2
- Perkanarija
- 4 Pixela
- Jura Đakšić
High school finalists – Year 3
- Ne diraj taj Helleborus odorus!
High school finalists – Year 4
- Ekipaž
- Silent Dreamers
The complete list of teams will be published soon. Take a look at the problems which the students tackled in Brainfinity Challenge 2022.
Congratulations to all the participants. Finalists, well done!